A Complete List of The Government's Brexit Updates - 22nd October

EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill
The EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill is required to ratify the Withdrawal Agreement, as agreed between the United Kingdom and the European Union, and implement the Agreements (EU, EEA EFTA and Swiss) in domestic law. This Bill ensures that the United Kingdom is able to fulfil its international obligations, and leave the European Union with a deal.


Government introduces landmark Withdrawal Agreement Bill to Parliament
The bill will implement the new deal agreed with the EU in UK law.


Statement to the House on Brexit preparedness
Statement from the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster to the House of Commons on Brexit preparedness


Letters from the UK to the EU Council: 19 October 2019
Letters sent from the UK to the EU Council.


Prime Minister's letter to President Donald Tusk: 19 October 2019
Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s letter to President Donald Tusk.


PM statement in the House of Commons: 19 October 2019
PM Boris Johnson made a statement on his new Brexit deal in the House of Commons.


New Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration
This revised Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration were considered and agreed at European Council on 17 October 2019.


New Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland and Political Declaration
New Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland and Political Declaration as presented at the October European Council; added on 18 October 2019.


Minister Pincher speech at the British Irish Parliamentary Assembly, 21 October 2019
Speech by Christopher Pincher, Minister for Europe and the Americas, at the British Irish Parliamentary Assembly on Monday 21 October 2019


Changes to copyright law after Brexit
This guidance covers the impacts on UK right holders, businesses, cultural heritage institutions and consumers. It is not legal advice.


Flowcharts for import and export processes after Brexit
Reminder: These flowcharts explain the new processes for certain goods and products.


UK trade agreements with non-EU countries in a no-deal Brexit

The trade agreements that will be in place if there’s a no-deal Brexit; updated with regard to Georgia, and South Africa signing the UK-SACU+M trade agreement.


UK trade agreement continuity: statistics and analysis

Figures on UK trade continuity agreements.


European Regional Development Funding (ERDF) after Brexit
How organisations receiving European Regional Development Fund grants will be affected after Brexit; detailed information on the government guarantee can be found in the linked guide.


European Social Fund (ESF) after Brexit
How organisations receiving European Social Fund (ESF) grants will be affected after Brexit; detailed information on the government guarantee can be found in the linked guide.

Tamara Cincik