Government Resources: A new payment scheme for people self-isolating

New payment for people self-isolating in highest risk areas

People on low incomes who need to self-isolate and are unable to work from home in areas with high incidence of COVID-19 will benefit from a new payment scheme. To be eligible for the funding, individuals must meet the following criteria:

  • Have tested positive for Covid-19 or received a notification from NHS Test and Trace asking them to self-isolate

  • Have agreed to comply with the notification from NHS Test and Trace and provided contact details to the local authority

  • Be employed or self-employed. Employed people will be asked to show proof of employment. Self-employed will be required to show evidence of trading income and that their business delivers services which the local authority reasonably judges they are unable to carry out without social contact

  • Be unable to work from home (checks will be undertaken on all applicants) and will lose income a result

  • Be currently receiving Universal Credit or Working Tax Credit

More information is available here.


Updates and guidance


New COVID-19 secure guidance for enforcement agents (also known as bailiffs) using the Taking Control of Goods process has been published here.

Information for adult social care providers on COVID-19 guidance and support is availablehere.

Safer transport campaign – car sharing: A number of shareable assets are available to help you support your staff to plan their journey to and from work. This includes information on car sharing. People should try not to share a vehicle with those outside their household or support bubble. Where people do need to car share they should try to: keep the windows open; share the car with the same people each time; and wear a face-covering.

Enjoy summer safely campaign: The UK government is working to ensure public health measures are accessible and inclusive. Your business can support the work government is doing by ensuring measures that you implement, for example providing handwashing or sanitizing stations, are accessible by all. Businesses should also be mindful that not all disabilities are visible and that some people are exempt from wearing face-covering. Social media assets that you might like to share are available here.


Travel Corridors – England: Austria, Croatia and Trinidad and Tobago have been removed from the travel corridor list. If you arrive in England from these destinations you will need to self-isolate. Portugal has been added to the travel corridor list. If you arrive in England from Portugal after 4am on 22 August you may not need to self-isolate.

Safer transport guidance for operators has been updated with information on areas with local restrictions. 


Respond to Call for Evidence on the recognition of professional qualifications and regulation of professions

The government has opened a Call for Evidence to gather insights into how professional qualifications are recognised and professions are regulated. We would like to hear your views and experiences on employing regulated professionals and using services provided by these professionals. To respond, please complete the online questionnaire or submit your response to by 23 October.