The Communications Store Pledge To Support the Black Lives Matter Movement

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The Communications Store has recently outlined its pledge to tackle racial inequality. The Black Lives Matter Movement has placed racial inequality at the forefront of the cultural conversation, exposing an enormous lack of education and understanding across the globe. As a company that specialises in communications and brand development, TCS feel huge responsibility to pioneer this change within their own organisation, the wider industry and the brands they help to build.

“Our Pledge and actions for positive change is the result of many confronting, challenging and important discussions across all levels of our agency, to ensure we were representing the thoughts and ideas of everyone. We took time to listen and learn from each other, and make our actions meaningful, progressive, and specific, with immediate and long-term goals.” says Julietta Dexter, Founder and CEO. “I am particularly proud and extremely grateful to our TCS Intersectionality Committee, who formed in mid-2019, a group of individuals from within the agency with lived minority experiences and different backgrounds. Over the last few months, they have invested their passion, time and knowledge, and will continue in helping us to shape our approach to diversity and inclusivity. They have played a pivotal role in guiding us.”

While TCS are directing these actions to support BLM and the Black community, they are extending future commitments to all minority groups— to ensure that they are a fully inclusive and supportive business, internally and externally. Fashion Roundtable fully support their pledge and believe this is a vital step in creating a more inclusive industry.

You can read the full pledge here.