Government Resources: EU Settlement Scheme, Export Declarations and Goods Vehicle Movement

EU Settlement Scheme

Visiting the UK as an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen: Added information for EU, EEA and Swiss citizens who have applied to the EU Settlement Scheme by 30 June 2021 but not yet received a decision. Added guidance for Gibraltar identity card holders. Added guidance for Irish citizens.

EU Settlement Scheme caseworker guidance: ‘EU Settlement Scheme: EU, other EEA and Swiss citizens and their family members’ guidance updated. Updates to the tables setting out the countries that have extended the validity of their identity documents in response to the COVID-19 situation, which documents the extensions apply to, and the impact on the expiry date.

Goods Vehicle Movement Service

Register for the Goods Vehicle Movement Service: A new section ‘Add a team member’ has been included in this guidance.

Chemicals UFI

Submitting chemicals information to the National Poisons Information Service: Addition of a new section called ‘How to generate a UFI if you are a company based outside the EU or if you do not have a VAT number.’

A message about: UK Suspensions Application Window: to open on 1 June 2021

Following the end of the Transition Period, the UK has established its independent tariff regime, including its duty suspensions regime.   

To guide the UK’s suspensions regime, the Department for International Trade (DIT) is launching a process that will allow those based in the UK or Crown Dependencies to apply for duty suspensions. This year, you will be able to apply from 1 June until 11.55pm on 31 July.

Duty suspensions are temporary reductions in the UK Global Tariff rate for specific products. They are designed to allow UK and Crown Dependency businesses, and in particular producers, to remain competitive in the global marketplace.  

DIT has now published information about the application process and the assessment criteria on GOV.UK, alongside the application form you will need to complete to submit a request. 

We will publish a notice of the applications received once the application window has closed. UK businesses will then be given the opportunity to object to any requests. The window for submitting objections will open later this year. More information will be provided on GOV.UK in due course. 

Once we have received all applications and objections, the merits of these will be assessed based on the criteria outlined on GOV.UK, as well as other relevant considerations – examples of which are included in the guidance section of the application form.  

Any duty suspension requests that are granted will come into effect no earlier than early 2022 and will last until summer 2024. Once granted, all businesses can benefit from the suspension. 

In recognition of the challenges surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, existing duty suspensions that the government rolled over from the EU will be extended beyond 31 December 2021 to ensure business certainty. 

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact:

Export Declarations and the Goods Vehicle Movement Service

An update both Hauliers and Declarants on the NI-GB Export changes from 16 May 2021 and how this will affect you (click below).